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随着计算机的普及,计算机已经渗透到各行各业,给我们带来了极大的便利。现在,高校中的许多工作都已经移到网络中进行。由此基于聚类分析的学生成绩系统应运而生,它的优点在于使学生在任何时间内都能进行课程的选择、修改、成绩的录入、查看等操作,也减少了教学工作人员的工作量,更重要的是该系统可以自动分析学生的成绩并推测该生下学期是否有可能挂科。在开发系统前先查找相关资料,浏览相关的聚类算法在学生成绩管理中的应用的资料,了解该系统的特点,再实施开发。本系统用ASP.NET进行开发与设计,选Visual Studio 2008作开发工具、用SQL2005作为后台数据库来开发此系统。本文正是讲述整个系统从设计到具体的开发过程。


AbstractWith the popularization of computer, the computer has penetrated into all walks of life, has brought us great convenience. Now, many colleges and universities work has moved to the network for. Thus emerge as the times require clustering analysis system based on student achievement, its advantage is that the students can carry on the curriculum at any time selection, modification, results entry, view the operation, also reduced the workload of teaching staff, more important is the automatic analysis of the academic performance of students and that the students next semester if possible the system can fail. In the development of the system before the search for relevant information, browse online course Webpage related, understanding the characteristics of the system, then the implementation of development. The development and design of this system with ASP.NET, choose Visual Studio 2008 as the development tool, using SQL2005 database as a background to the development of this system. This article is about the entire system from the design to the development process of concrete.

Key words: performance management; clustering algorithm; B/S structure目 录

1引言11.1课题背景11.2选题意义11.3主要研究内容11.4主要研究思路和方法22基础理论介绍22.1B/S模式22.2ASP.NET技术22.3C#语言32.4结构化查询语言SQL32.5聚类算法的分类42.6k_means算法53可行性研究63.1技术方面的可行性63.2经济方面的可行性73.3法律方面的可行性74需求分析74.1功能需求74.2性能需求85概要设计85.1系统结构设计85.2系统模块划分86系统设计与实现96.1系统数据库设计96.2系统功能模块的设计与实现127系统测试317.1测试环境317.2测试结果31结 论32参考文献32致 谢34

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