- 893811145
- 科学计算:matplotlib、numpy、scipyweb框架:flask、djangoGUI:PyQt、WxPython网络爬虫:ScrapyHTML解析:BeautifulSoup、lxml
- 2021-02-23 22:15:01
- aa
- 如果确定下载的是开源python代码,那搜索*.py文件就是了。当然有一部分可能是C语言等写的。
- 2021-02-11 23:45:07
- 201538
- 求一份Python的实验报告+源代码,项目内容不限,#!/usr/bin/env python# Filename:""".. moduleauthor:: ...... test module of Tkinter"""from Tkinter import *import tkMessageBoxroot = Tk()root.geometry('850x40+80+80') #设置窗体高宽与窗体相对屏幕左上角位置class Appui(Frame): """ docsting for Appui """ def __init__(self, parent=None): """ Initialize the Appui Class """ Frame.__init__(self, width=850, height=60, bg='gray40') self.propagate(False) self.pack() self.input = StringVar() self.master.title('Test Widgets') self.master.iconname('Tk-42') self.buildFrame() # Build the widgetsdef buildFrame(self): """ make the frame and add widgets into the frame """ self.LabelF=Frame(self,width=850, height=60, bg='gray80') self.LabelF.propagate(False) self.LabelF.pack(side=TOP) Label(self.LabelF, fg='steelblue1', bg='gray80', text= "Text field description: ").pack(side=LEFT) #设置输入的widgets self.e0 = Entry(self.LabelF, width=80, textvariable=self.input) self.e0.pack(side=LEFT) Button(self.LabelF, text='Get', borderwidth=5, command=self.callback).pack(side=RIGHT,padx=10)def callback(self): """ callback of get path Button """ try: #self.e0.delete(0,END) Value=self.input.get() if Value is not None: print "Get String from Entry" + Value else: self.e0.delete(0,END) except (RuntimeError, TypeError, NameError, ValueError, IOError) as e: tkMessageBox.showerror("Error function callback()", '%s' % e) def exit(self): """ exit of process """ exit(0)def main(): """ Main function """ Appui().mainloop()if __name__ == '__main__': main()
- 2021-02-11 23:45:07