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随着计算机的普及,计算机已经渗透到各行各业,给我们带来了极大的便利。现在,高校中的许多工作都已经移到网络中进行。由此学生在线选课系统应运而生,它的优点在于使学生在任何时间内都能进行课程的选择、修改、查看等操作,也减少了教学工作人员的工作量。该系统需要实现能够提供显示课程信息的网页。提供学生选择课程、修改课程、浏览考试成绩的功能。教师能够实现修改个人信息、编辑开设的课程名称、上课时间、输入学生考试分数等功能。在开发系统前先查找相关资料,浏览相关的在线选课网页,了解该系统的特点,再实施开发。本系统用ASP.NET进行开发与设计,选Visual Studio 2008作开发工具、用SQL2005作为后台数据库来开发此系统。本文正是讲述整个系统从设计到具体的开发过程。


AbstractWith the popularity of the computer, the computer has penetrated into all walks of life, brought us great convenience. Now, a lot of work in the colleges and universities have moved to the network. Thus the online student elective system came into being, the advantage of it is that the student choice of courses in any time, to modify, view and other operations, and also to reduce the workload of the teaching staff. The system displays course information page. Provide students select courses, modify course, browse the functions of the examination results. Teachers can modify personal information, edit the courses name, class schedule, enter student test scores, and other functions. Before the development system to find relevant information to browse the online enrollment pages to understand the characteristics of the system, and then the implementation of the development. Development and design of the system using ASP.NET, selected Visual Studio 2008 for development tools to develop this system as a back-end database with SQL2005. This article is about the whole system from the design to the development process.

Key words: Online courses; B/S Structure; Background Database Design

目 录

1引言11.1课题背景11.2选题意义11.3主要研究内容11.4主要研究思路和方法12基础理论介绍22.1B/S模式22.2ASP.NET技术22.3C#语言32.4结构化查询语言SQL33可行性研究43.1技术方面的可行性43.2经济方面的可行性43.3法律方面的可行性44需求分析44.1功能需求44.2性能需求55概要设计55.1系统结构设计55.2系统模块划分56系统设计与实现76.1系统数据库设计76.2系统功能模块的设计与实现97系统测试227.1测试环境227.2测试结果22结 论22参考文献23致 谢25

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