AbstractAlong with economic increase increasingly, the information ages has come, every kind of information in the life incline to the arithmetic figure turns, clear turn. The unit vehicle management system is to bear in such an environment, the transportation prospers increasingly, making a business unit not at is simple a business car, but have a lot of a cars constitute, and car type become various variety, this make the unit vehicle information complicates. Therefore we will develop the huge and saving space of the calculator, the high performance handles ability, high dependable data safety, clear see to turn the data wait these advantages to lend support to the unit to proceed the management to the vehicle, realizes the reasonable exploitation of the calculator resources, real realizes the decrease labor force increases the purpose of the labor quantity.This text analyzes the system primarily to constitute primarily, including need analysis, the design target of the system, data construction, data flow chart with main characteristics etc. of the system, the point introduces the detailed way of thinking of the system function mold and realizes method, and elaborate on with parts of sources code to the system and key technique.[KEYWORD]:OOA,OOD,C#,ADO翻译文字可能有出入,请自行校对。
目 录
第一章 引言61.1 汽车租赁管理系统简介61.2 系统开发的背景和目的61.3 系统设计的主要内容71.4 本文章节安排7第二章 系统开发的相关技术82.1 开发工具82.2 约定82.3 相关知识点8第三章 需求分析93.1 对功能的规定93.2 对性能的规定103.2.1 精度103.2.2 时间特性要求103.2.3 灵活性103.3 故障处理要求113.4 其他专门要求11第四章 数据库设计124.1 ADO技术简介124.2 系统功能模块的划分13第五章 系统实施175.1 目标175.2 用户的特点175.3 功能实现185.3.1 系统登陆模块185.3.2 管理员信息管理模块185.3.3 车辆信息管理模块195.3.4 客户信息管理模块205.3.5 销售商管理模块215.3.6 密码修改管理模块225.4 设备22第六章 结束语24谢 辞25参考文献26