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本系统是针对XX大学高校学科建设管理系统进行开发的一个基于WEB的信息管理系统(MIS)。其开发主要包括后台数据库的建立和维护以及前端应用程序的开发两个方面。对于后台数据库的建立和维护要求建立起数据一致性和完整性强、数据安全性好的库。而对于前端应用程序的开发则要求应用程序能提供强大的数据操纵功能,界面友好、使用简单方便等特点。开发流程参照软件开发常见的步骤,主要包括系统的需求分析,系统数据库设计,系统详细设计,以及开发后期的系统测试等阶段。本系统中,主要使用了ASP.NET技术实现,并且使用了Microsoft公司的Visulstudio2010为开发工具,该IDE对ASP.NET技术提供了完备的支持;数据库方面,系统使用Microsoft SQL数据库技术,并且使用ADO技术进行数据库访问,提高了数据库开发效率和可靠性。在旧的手工记录的高校学科建设管理方式已经不能适应高速发展的信息化时代,开发出来高校学科建设管理系统之后,学校的现有的高校学科建设管理将有很大的改观,由过去的人工方式转变为计算机方式,由效率低、数据冗余、易产生错误转变为检索迅速、查找方便、可靠性高、存储量大。这些优点能够极大地提高效率,也是学校科学化、正规化管理的重要条件。

关键词:高校学科建设管理,ASP.NET,Web应用,数据库 The Design and Implementation of theScientific And Research of University Management SystemThe scientific and research of university management system is typical information management system (MIS), which aimed at the procedure of the dormitory management in HNU University and based on Web. Its development mainly includes the backstage database the establishment and the maintenance as well as front ends the application procedure development two aspects. Establish the data uniformity and the integrity regarding the backstage database establishment and the maintenance request strong, the data security good storehouse. As normal MIS, it requests the application procedure regarding the front end application procedure development to be able to provide the formidable data operation function, the contact surface friendly, characteristics and so on use simple convenience. Development procedure in this system follows the other classic software development, it mainly includes these phases: analysis of the system requirement, database design, detail design of the system, and the system test at the latest time of the development. During this system, used the technology of ASP.NET as the mainly implement technology, and used Microsoft Visual studio 2003 as the IDE, which provided a good support of ASP.NET. On the Database technology, we used SQL database and use ADO to develop our data base; it raised the efficiency and reliability of the database. The old manual record scientific and research management way already could not adapt the high speed development information era, after the new scientific and research management system management system developed, the school existing scientific and research information management will have very big new face, transformed by the past artificial way into the computer way, by the efficiency low, the data redundant, easy to produce transforms wrongly into the retrieval rapidly, the search convenient, the reliability high, the reserves is big. These merits can enhance the efficiency enormously, also is the school scientific style, the standardized management important condition.Key words:  Scientific and Research Management,ASP.NET,Web Application,Database目 录

1绪论11.1高校学科建设管理系统背景及意义11.1.1 课题背景11.1.2 课题意义21.2 高校学科建设管理系统定义及简介21.3 高校学科建设管理系统效益以及发展前景21.4 本文基本组织结构31.5 本章总结32 系统分析42.1系统技术简介42.1.1 ASP.NET技术简介42.1.2 C#语言简介52.1.3 SQL数据库技术简介52.1.4 ADO.NET简介62.1.5 开发工具简介62.2 系统需求分析72.2.1 系统需求调研72.2.2 系统功能需求定义82.2.3 系统性能需求102.2.4 系统运行环境102.3 系统可行性112.3.1 技术上可行性112.3.2组织管理可行性112.3.3 经济可行性112.4 本章总结123 系统详细设计133.1 系统总体设计133.1.1 系统部署结构133.1.2 系统功能结构133.2 系统数据库设计143.2.1 设计原则143.2.2 设计工具简介153.2.3 本系统中的数据库设计153.3 用户界面设计163.3.1 设计原则163.3.2 CSS介绍173.3.3 用户界面示例173.4 系统功能模块详细设计193.4.1 业务流程设计实现193.4.2 系统全局变量203.4.3 功能点详细设计示例213.5 本章总结254 系统编码实现264.1编码规范264.2系统代码结构264.3 功能点实现示例274.3.1 事件绑定274.3.2 事件编码274.3.3 AJAX实现284.4 关键算法实现示例294.5 本章总结305 系统测试315.1 软件测试简介315.2 通过系统测试发现系统中的一些问题315.3用户页面测试实例预览335.4本章总结35总 结36致 谢37参考文献38

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